
Bike Racks- Most Useful For Parking the Bikes

bike rack

Most people believe that bike racks are helpful only when you need to carry your bikes to some other place in your vehicle. If you install bike racks in the vehicle, is it your car or your truck, you can easily transport the bicycle from place to another. This is very true, but have you ever thought that there are many other places where a bike rack can be very useful?

In this article let’s find out the different places where you can use a bike rack for keeping the bike safe.

At your garage

Let’s start from your home, you just have a bike and what can be better storage option for your bike if you have installed a bike rack at your home garage. Depending upon the type and number of bike that you own you can have a bike rack installed at your garage.

At the school

Bike racks are good to be installed at the school campuses. Most of the children prefer to go to school by bike. Now, in a school campus there are hundreds of bikes. If they are kept with the balance of their stand there are always high chances that someday these will fall one above other and there may be an accident.

Instead, if there are bike racks installed at the school there are no such chances and children will also able to lock their bikes against the racks. They will keep the bikes safe and the whole campus area will look tidy.

bike rack

For any shopping area

It is true that most shopping malls have garages where people come by cars. However, there are also chances that some locals will use their bikes to visit the shopping area. Now, you cannot tell them as they have not availed car for coming to the place you will not be provided any space for keeping your bicycle safe. So, the solution to park these bikes safely is of course installing quite a few number of bike racks at the shopping malls so that those who are coming there in their bicycle can also enjoy the place as they will not be worried about their bikes.

For difficult spaces

There are spaces where people go by their bikes. They sometime have to park their bike to go to nearby areas. Now, if there are bike racks installed at such places they can keep their bikes there and go to their work without tension.

We are the best bike rack factory in china!!!

Name:Doxis Xu





Look For Garage Bike Racks Online For Getting Best Deal

wave bike rack

No one can ignore the fun that they get by using a bicycle. It not only allows you travel short distance easily but is a good means of exercising too. Thus, when you own a bicycle it is your responsibility that you keep it safe and store it properly so that there is no threat of theft.

Most people prefer to keep their bikes at their garage as it is mostly kept locked and the chances of theft are also reduced. Moreover when you keep it inside your garage you can get access to it easily. Now, for storing the bike at your garage you can opt for a bike rack. It will help you keep your bike safely and at the same time you will be able to create more space in your garage as the bike will not be kept lying somewhere in the garage.

Now, if your garages do not have enough space so that you are able to install a bike rack what will you do? Most people have more than one car and their garage has enough space to accommodate their car only. Thus, what can they do so that they are able to install a bike rack too for keeping their bikes safe and secure?

If you look for the different types of garage bike racks you will find that there are different options available. Some of them can be hanged from the walls and others from the ceiling. While there are many models that can be installed on the floor. When there is problem with floor space it is obvious that you will look for some bike rack that can be hanged from the ceiling or the wall.

Now, while you are looking for different types of bike racks that can be hanged from the ceiling or the wall the best option is to look online. You will get a wider variety of bike racks and the quality of these racks is too good. When you look for bike racks online you do not have to roam from one shop to another and thus you will be able to save a lot of time.

Moreover, when you look online you will find that there are a lot of options available that will help you make your choice easily. While you search for them online you will be able to compare the prices from one site to another and purchase one that will give you the best deal.


Name:Doxis Xu





A Bike Rack Can Make Your Garage Spacious

This is an experience that was shared by Mr. and Mrs. Jones regarding how they dealt with the number of bikes that they had at their place.


History behind the story

This family had three children and almost everybody has at least two bikes of their own. As for children they loved biking and the best place where they can store their bike was the garage. One day when Mrs. Jones was returning from her work she found that it was impossible to garage the car properly. Even after she was able to do that she found that she had to stumble after every two feet as the bikes were simply thrown away there.

Hence, they decided that they need to do something about the bikes so that they can keep them arranged. When the children just throw the bikes in the garage, it decreases the longevity of the bikes and there are many signs of damaged in them! So, it was time that they do something so that that the bikes are kept in proper manner and much space is left behind even after arranging the bikes. And what was the solution? A bike rack!

Action taken

Once the couple had decided upon installing a bike rack at their garage, they had to look for one in the market. Before they started their search they agreed that the bike rack should be such that children can take out and keep their bikes easily. If the children faced any problem they will not continue with the process of keeping the bikes in the bike rack.

bike rack

They also had to look after the material with which the bike rack was made as if it was not good enough it may not last long. Moreover children will be suing it when they will not at home. Hence the built must be safe also.

Look out for how many bikes had a stand if all the bikes did not have stand then the bike rack must be able to support it. Hence it was necessary to find out if there is any bike racks available that can support bikes without stands.

bike rack

Most essential of all is that the bike rack that they will install must not take too much space. it should accommodate the required number of bikes within a limited space.

With this specification they started looking for bike racks and found that online there are many options that fulfilled their requirement. Now, they have installed a bike rack that helps them keep the bikes properly. Even their kids are happy with the arrangement.
Name:Grace Li
Phone:+86 512 67683358


Bike rack:The secret for pursuit of the goddess

The weather in suzhou changed very much like a children. It was almost ten more degree today is zero degree cold . There is a old said what you want the weather is the weather , Also the weather is suitable for music and chocolate. However you know what , which is better than this, Just image that with rainy and you ride a bike and see the beautiful view when you tired and stop to have a rest then lay the bike on the bike rack , then you can go any where you want to That is also a romantic thing. When your girl friend see the Korean drama see two people ride a bike by the sea and parking bike to the bike rack walk hands by hands she will ask you when will you take me to do that romantic thing, You said i am busy also what if the bike lose, Guys do not afraid the trouble, do not worry your bike , Bike rack can help you Just go after your goddess, As to the bike, you can see the bike rack anywhere bike rack can help you go after your goddess. After you married your goddess must thanks for the bike rack. Bike rack is your important partner for lovers.

bike rack


How to reach Suzhou Pioneer Vehicle.Co.,Ltd

bike rack

That is a exciting thing to write how to reach my factory and a warm welcome to our factory!

First you should know my factory detail address(Chinese&English):


No.838,Lingshan Road,Xukou Town,Wuzhong District ,Suzhou,Jiangsu,China(Mainland)


Suzhou pioneer Vehicle.Co.,Ltd

You can write card or letter to post to me if have Chance!

How to reach our factory:

There are several ways as follows:

1)Airport - factory directly---

There is car to pick you up from airport(for example Pudong air port),it takes 2 hours from airport to my factory directly,when you arrival,I will use one board to write:Hi:XXX,warmly welcome to China

2)Airport -shanghai station -Suzhou Station-(Mudu)factory

once you arrival airport,you can go to Shanghai station by subway,but it will take one and a half hours,so that is long time,and it will take 20 minutes from shanghai to Suzhou station,then there is one car pick you up,or you can choose by subway from suzhou station to Mudu(the last subway station),then there will be a car pick you up!

from shanghai station to suzhou station only 20 minutes!

then i can pick you up in Suzhou station!

3)shanghai station -Suzhou Station-factory

high speed train is good to save time,if you are near Shanghai Station,it will take 20 minutes from shanghai to Suzhou station,then there is one car pick you up,it will take 25 minutes from Suzhou Station to my factory,in total is 45 minutes

Name:Jerome Wang





Bike Racks Are Important To Keep Your Bike Safe

Whether you are travelling or at your own place there is no doubt that you who love biking will love to travel with their bikes. Taking a ride on the mountain slopes or enjoying a bike ride with your kid will give you immense happiness and make your trips more worthy.

Now, for getting this happiness it is necessary that you carry your favorite bike along with you while you travel. While travelling it becomes important that you secure your bike properly. And that is the reason that you need to have bike rack.

Importance of bike racks
While travelling you may have plans that you can carry the bike on the back of your SUV or at the truck bed. When there is so much space then why should you think of anything else? However, have you ever thought that whether it will be safe for your bikes to carry them from one place to another at just back of the bike?

During the journey you will find that there are some damages done to the bike and of course you cannot afford to do that! While the bike is carried by the truck, it will make scratches on the body of the vehicle. And hence it will be bad not for your bike only but for the vehicle.

Hence, if you have bike racks installed at the truck bed or at the roof of the car you can keep your bikes safely. When you reach your destination you will find that your bike is as good condition as you had started the journey with.

Buy a bike rack that will suit your vehicle

The importance of bike rack is hence undeniable and with a bike rack you can actually ensure that your bikes are safe while you have carried them a long distance.

Depending upon the type of vehicle you have used for travelling and the distance that you will cover you can choose among the different types of bike racks that are commonly used in the market.

If there is a hitch at the back of the car then you can look for a hitch bike rack. It will save space in the car and the bike can be carried easily at the back of your car. However, there is another option where you can carry the bike at the roof of the car, provided you have installed a rooftop bike rack at the top of the car.



The Year Of The Bike: Our 2017 Predictions For Bike Commuting

By many accounts, 2016 was a challenging year—one that political pundits and social commentators will likely talk about for ages to come. But in spite of global turmoil, political upsets, and general uncertainty, we believe 2017 is shaping up to be a great year for bike commuting! Here are our predictions of what we’ll see going forward in bikelandia.

Prediction: Building for bikes is now a priority, not an option

Basic bike racks outside a building entrance or in a garage are no longer considered acceptable bike infrastructure. With the uptick in bike commuting nationwide developers, architects, and planners are starting to design and build more complex, full service bike facilities, known as “end-of-trip.” These spaces court cyclists by offering indoor secure bike parking, lockers, showers, DIY bike tools, even amenities like towel service, dehumidifying closets for wet gear, and bike wash stations.

The Dutch, our great bike innovators, set the precedent with large-scale EOT facilities like that at the Houten train station, where 60 percent of rail commuters arrive by bike or the “Bike Warehouse” in the Zaandam city center that accommodates 700 bikes. The United States is beginning to catch up though; the McDonald’s Cycle Center in Chicago, for instance, provides secure indoor bike parking, on-site mechanics, lockers, and shower facilities. This May, the largest (and nicest) EOT facility, Lloyd Cycle Station, opened in Portland, Oregon, with capacity for 1,200 bikes, a bike wash station, on-site mechanics, and a lounge complete with big a screen TV.

Another good example of top-of-the-line EOT can be found at 100 California, a multi-tenant building in downtown San Francisco. Its facility spoils commuters with lots of convenient bike parking, a bike repair station, lockers and showers, all wrapped in bright colors and cheery wall murals. And Stripe’s new headquarters, to open in 2017, will have a large, first-floor EOT bike facility with state-of-the-art bike racks, bike repair and other amenities. The already high percentage of bike commuters at this company will be happy to stash their bikes and gear in a uber convenient and secure spot and still get to their morning meetings on time.

Prediction: Fleet bikes will come in two new kinds— electric and folding

Folks, we’re living in the golden age of bikeshare. As of August 2014, 600 cities worldwide had a bikeshare program, and that doesn’t count private bikeshares run by companies or universities. 2017 is shaping up to be another banner year for bikeshare.

This year, we saw the launch of the first system on the African continent—Medina Bike in Marrakesh—as well as the near instant success for Portland Oregon’s 1000 bike system—more than 100K miles ridden and nearly two trips per bike per day within three weeks of launch. Three weeks! Public clamor for bikeshare is so widespread, that even carshare is going bike: In September, Zipcar announced plans to add bikeshare as a service option.

Aside from expansion, the next frontier for bikeshare is a hardware upgrade. Currently Birmingham and Baltimore are the only cities to offer pedal-assist bikeshare bikes, run by Bewegen, a new operator in this space. But as e-bike technology improves and manufacturing costs decrease, we’ll likely see more and varied e-bikes rolled into the bikeshare fleet. This year, one major North American bikeshare supplier unveiled the Boost, an electric pedal-assist bicycle.

E-bikes vastly expand the distance or type of terrain a rider is able to traverse. This makes bikeshare more appealing to riders in less dense areas or places with hilly terrain.

We also suspect folding bikes to make an appearance in the realm of bikeshare, especially in places with highly utilized public transit. Bikes that fold are a great benefit when it’s rush hour, and the two-bike rack on the front of the bus is already full or the bike car on the local commuter rail looks more like a chopshop.

Folding fleet bikes already exist in private bikeshare: Mozilla deployed a fleet of custom-branded Dahon folding bikes to help employees commute by bike and train between two offices in the Bay Area.

Given bikeshare users have vastly different needs, comfort-levels and commutes, outfitting bikeshare fleets with different types of bikes makes perfect sense. Now who’s up for making that pedal-assist folding bikeshare bike?

Prediction: Public-private partnerships will grow

The bikeshare saturation we see today would not be possible if it weren’t for private investment. Most of the world’s successful bikeshare systems are public-private partnerships, from the decade-old Vélib in Paris—operated by French advertising corporation JCDecaux, to new kid on the block Biketown in Portland—backed and branded by Nike. Most recently, Ford announced that it would sponsor the Bay Area’s bikeshare program, providing funding for 6,300 more bikes and rebanding the fleet with Ford’s logo. In all three cases and countless others, the municipality owns or runs the program and the corporate sponsor contributes funding and in some cases branding or advertisement.

Private partnerships extend beyond bikeshare. Again, given the general uptick in bike commuting, private organizations are happy to bankroll bike infrastructure projects that help their employees ride to work

When Facebook expanded its Menlo Park, California headquarters, it paid to beef up area bike routes their employees rode to get there. Similarly, Google earmarked $5 million for bike improvements in Mountain View, where it’s headquartered.

Then there are corporations that improve biking in their communities through their philanthropic arms. One great example is the Walton Family Foundation, started by the founders of Wal-Mart, that provided millions for bike projects in Arkansas—like installing protected bike lanes, teaching school children how to ride, and funding a 36-mile recreational trail.

Corporate responsibility or consciousness will likely continue to rise, and we’re looking forward to the bike improvements that will come with it. We’re also looking forward to the self-driving bike … just kidding!



Bike Racks Offered By City Of Memphis For Special Events

City of Memphis Engineering and Bike Walk Memphis offer Bike Racks for Special Events

In an effort to encourage more people to reach special events by bike, the City of Memphis’ Division of Engineering now offers ten event bike racks that can be borrowed for public or private special events. The racks are light-weight and can be assembled or disassembled in less than minute. With each rack capable of holding at least seven bicycles, the City’s collection allows an event to provide proper parking for 70 or more bikes.

Bike Walk Memphis, a local non-profit and supporter of active transportation, will voluntarily manage the Event Bike Parking Program on the City’s behalf. Upon request, Bike Walk Memphis will even provide a bike valet team that staffs the parking station throughout an event’s duration, and handles all of the pre- and post-event logistics associated with the racks.

“Rather than circling the block or slowly cruising the aisles of a parking lot in their car, event attendees could ride straight up to an event’s main entrance on their bike, hand it over to a smiling Bike Walk Memphis volunteer, and continue on their way into the event,” said Nicholas Oyler, Bikeway and Pedestrian Program Manager at the City of Memphis, on the benefit of an event using the racks. Other benefits include an overall reduced demand for car parking at an event and a reduced number of bicycles locks to utility poles, trees, or other pieces of property at an event’s entrance.

Event organizers are already taking the City up on its offer. Memphis Made Brewing recently used the racks to provide bike parking at its MALTED festival. The City’s racks were first tested, though, at MEMFix: Film Row in September.

To request the bike racks, visit http://www.chinabikerack.com


Bike Rack for Street Food Shop

When you own a Street food shop you can expect that you will attract the attention of the passersby and most of your passersby will be riding a bicycle. There are least chances that a person who is travelling by a car will stop in front of your shop and enjoy eating your food. Very few will do so, however, you can expect that a biker who was travelling in front of your street food shop may be attracted by the aroma and wait to enjoy your food.

When something like this happens it is obvious that they will have some waiting time as in this period you will be preparing the tasty food. You may have good sitting arrangements but can you think what will they do with their bikes? You need to make arrangements that will help them keep their bicycles secure while they wait for the food. So, what can be done? A bike rack can be best arrangement that can be done by you to make your customers happy with parking their bikes.

Install a bike rack

When you have opened your street food shop it is obvious that you must have taken permission from the local authorities for that. Once you have the permission also seek out for some space where you can install a bike rack that will be convenient for your customers to keep their bikes. You can easily help them garage their bikes while they take the savor of your food.
There are different types of bike racks available in the market. You can search them online or you can even visit physical store. There are ones with multiple bike racks that will allow you to keep a number of bikes safely.

Look out for different types of bike racks

If you really want to make sure that you have installed the best bike racks in front of your shop, you need to choose ones that will be sturdy enough. It is required as they will be open to the elements of atmosphere. Hence, if you do not purchase a bike rack that is made up of good material you has to change it often. Thus, it is better to invest wisely and before you make the investment you do complete research to find the best bike racks.
By providing a simple space for your customers so that they can keep their bikes while they are enjoying the food, you will find that there is increase in number of customers.


BIKE RACK:Is Stainless Steel Really Non-rusty?

People always thought that stainless steel wont and shouldnt get rusty. If it gets rusty, it must be fake or shoddy product. Is that true?

Actually stainless in stainless steel doesnt mean never get rusty, it only works in under a certain condition. If we use stainless steel products under the condition out of their anti-corrosion capability, they will absolutely rust.

Whats the factors that may lead to the rust?

A. Corrosion by chloridion. Chloridion exists everywhere in nature: in salt, sweat, seawater, soil, etc. It is difficult to avoid. Although stainless steel has good corrosion resistance, its anticorrosion will be weakened under high chloridion circumstances.

B. Lack of solid solution treatment. There are some other metallic elements such as nickel, manganese, chromium, etc in stainless steel besides carbon. These metallic elements will strengthen performance of stainless steel. Meanwhile, if there is no solid solution treatment, the matrix alloy content is low, corrosion resistance is poor, so it will be corroded by the corrosion factors among the environment.

C. Intergranular corrosion. Materials that do not contain titanium and niobium tend to have intergranular corrosion. Majority of China's stainless steel is not added titanium and niobium at present. Although the surface of stainless steel is not likely to be corroded, its internal began to corrosion. At the same time some of the acts in the process will also accelerate the intergranular corrosion, such as welding.

As long as these factors are well handled, rusting can be reduced.





Few Questions to Ask Yourself before Buying Bike Racks

If you are an avid biker then there is no doubt that you go to any extent to make sure that you keep your bikes in good condition. And what is the best way for doing that? In such case one cannot ignore the importance of good bike rack.

So when you are about to choose a bike rack what are the things that must be considered so that you land up with the bike rack that will be best suited for your bikes?

If you get answer to the following questions you may be able to get the best bike rack. Let’s find out what should you ask yourself?

Question 1. How far will you carry your bike?

The first things that you need to ask yourself before you start considering any other factor is that how far are you planning to travel with your bike and will it be frequent travel? If you are planning to travel to long distances then it is obvious that you must go for one that is sturdier and will be safe for your bikes as well as your vehicle.

Question 2. Do you have mixture of bikes?

What is the number of bike that you have? Moreover, you must also consider the different types of bike. If you will be carrying different bikes of various sizes then it is necessary that the bike racks have proper settings. It will help you carry the bikes safely. You also need to consider whether your bikes are heavy, if they have thru axles and these considerations will help you choose eth right bike rack.

Question 3. How do you want to carry the bikes?

Next you have to decide how you will carry your bikes. If you are planning for buying bike racks so that you can keep them safe in your home, then also it is necessary to consider whether you need vertical bike racks or others like wall-mounted. Apart from that if you are planning to carry your bikes in your bike rack then how will you like them to be? On the top of the vehicle? At the back off the vehicle or some other way. Depending upon your wish you will get some type of bike racks.

Apart from these you also need to consider how durable these bike racks will be. practicality must also eb considered to ensure that you have invested for the right kind of bike rack.




Bike Racks Makes Your Life Easier

Whether you love riding bicycles or not, one thing is for sure, and that is bicycles have made your life much easier! Think of a situation of traffic jams, when everybody is feeling frustrated sitting at their cars, you can simply keep travelling by using your bicycle. Moreover, think if you commute some distance through your bicycle every day at the end of the month you will find that you are successful in cutting down some of the gasoline cost.

When a bike is helping you in such way it is obvious that you will also try out everything so that you are able to keep your bike in best situation. If you buy a bike racks you will find that it just not help you keep your bike in good condition but also allow you to take care of your bike. Whether it comes to keeping your bike when you are at home or while you are travelling on a vehicle, bike racks proves to be the best companion for your bike.

Thinking how are they beneficial? Read on to know more.

Grab and Go

Just think of those days when you had to think so many things before you went on any road trip! You had to disassemble your bike and then carry it along with you. Again after you reached your destination your first job was to assemble your bike so that you can use it normally. Removing the wheels from the chassis and again fitting them may be very long procedure and tiresome too.

Now, things have become so simple, just put your bike on the bike racks and then move on. They are fitted and are safe too. Hence, when you reach your destination you do not have to worry, just grab the bike and go!

Added space and ease of travel

With the help of a bike rack you can increase the space in your car or even at your garage. Yes, if you are travelling with a roof mounted bike rack then you can be sure that no space is occupied as you are travelling with your bike. And if you have a wall mounted bike rack at your home, you can keep your bike there. it won’t take much space and will keep your bike safe too!

Hence, with these benefits there is no doubt that every day the demand for bike rack is increasing and if you have still not taken the decision of buying one, go ahead and make a good investment.




Are you sure that you really know how to use bike rack?


I went to one of my friends home yesterday . I saw a strange thing and interested and asked "what’s that , why it on the wall , it should be on the ground "She didn’t answer me meanwhile her husband was coming, and he hang the bike on the wall with the strange thing,and the house still looks the same, i confused and she told me you are so cute, that called , bike rack .


You know how much the earth now you can’t buy more space for the house, however you still need to live.Then we should find out a way to solve this problem, bike rack can help us save space also can hang other thing which we do not use often, I said normal hook is ok ,She laughed and asked how is the weight your hook can be load, 2KG maybe sometimes it also not stable . That is right, that’s also why we use bike rack at home in that case we can also keep the bike save, and also make the room clean . When she wants to told me more her husband called us to eat fruits. Even eat fruit i still remember the bike rack , so cool , so miracle.


I think when i am back i also will buy one in my house, This bike rack are so miracle you guys also do not know that bike rack also have more function you can also hang goods you do not use often haha !



Bike racks and bus shelters on the way

A number of bright and colourful metal bicycle racks have been popping up around Airdrie recently. The bike-shaped racks are the work of Airdrie Transit and are intended to answer a need for customers, according to Transit Co-ordinator Chris MacIsaac.

“We have a number of locations where our customers were basically looking for somewhere to put their bikes,” he said. “They were locking (them) up to trees, to sign posts, to construction fences and then boarding the bus. We didn’t have the infrastructure in place to support what their needs were.”

With that, the idea for installing bike racks at a number of popular bus stops was born.

“I think we’ve grown to the point now where we need to provide some options for our customers, whether they’re walking to a bus stop or, in this case, biking to a bus stop,” MacIsaac said.

Nine of the vibrantly coloured bike-shaped racks have been installed so far. The eye-catching racks were chosen for a couple of reasons, according to MacIsaac.

“The city started talking internally about the need to create identity and placemaking and thought this is an opportunity for us to step out of the box, per se, when it comes to bike racks and go from your very standard, utilitarian type of bike rack and look at something that would have a little more identity and would stand out from the landscape,” he said.

According to MacIsaac, the bikes have been placed at bus stops that are frequently used by transit customers, including the stop on Sierra Springs Drive near the Airdrie Co-op.

“That’s a major hub for our customers using the Route 900 service from east Airdrie,” he said. “We have a number of customers that are biking over, (at) all times of the year, to reach that Route 900.”

MacIsaac said the bike racks are being placed along the core bus routes. Each rack costs $770 and has been funded through provincial GREENTrip grant funding and the federal Public Transit Investment Fund.

More racks may be added in the future, based on usage.

“We’re going to gauge how things go,” MacIsaac said. “As we grow, as we continue to put more infrastructure in the ground, we’re going to look at the opportunities to put more bike racks (up).”

Although Bike Airdrie – a local organization which promotes safe bicycling in the community – was not consulted during the initial discussions to install the bike racks, MacIsaac said he felt there would be opportunities to collaborate with the group in the future.

Bus Shelters

The installation of the first of eight bus shelters will begin Dec. 2, according to MacIsaac.

“This year you’re going to see eight shelters go up,” he said. “The locations are southbound along Eighth Street, which I would consider one of our main transit corridors for local and ICE service – at Canoe Drive, at Bayside Drive, at Bayside Boulevard – they’re all highly utilized stops.”

The shelters will help keep customers out of the elements while waiting for their bus, something that has been lacking to date. One of the locations MacIsaac said will get a shelter that will really benefit customers is at Gateway Drive.

“It’s westbound Gateway Drive, very close to the Superstore,” he said. “It’s a transfer point for our local transit. It’s an ICE stop. It’s one that’s been identified numerous times by our customers that we need to have some type of protection from the elements.”

The bus shelters will be solar powered. A total of 24 shelters will eventually be installed by the end of 2018. Each shelter costs $14,000, including installation. The project is funded by GREENTrip as well as a number of federal programs, including the federal gas tax.

According to MacIsaac, the City is currently working with an advertising provider on a contract to allow advertising on the shelters to provide the City with some funds to offset on-going maintenance costs. Local artists will also have a chance to showcase their work on the shelters.

“We’re looking at placing some creative elements, some artistic artwork or wrap on panels of the shelters” he said. “There’s opportunities for the business community to promote their business or service on the shelter or for our artistic community to showcase some of their talents.”




BIKE RACK:Cycle Repair Stand & Pump


Suzhou Pioneer's public bicycle repair stand with integrated bicycle pump with pressure guage provides cyclists with a stable workstation to tune their bike and make repairs whilst away from home.

All necessary tools are included. The durable construction makes it resilient to the elements and daily use. Designed for any public space, office or urban environment and the stainless steel plate down both sides can be customised.

The repair stand has been installed at The University of Manchester, The University of Glasgow and The University of Dundee.and all over the world!






It’s not easy to get around Washington, DC. It’s really, really not!

There’s ample evidence of this. Tune into WTOP for the regular traffic report -- “traffic on the eights, and when it breaks” -- and listen to the anchor with a thick mid-Atlantic accent recite a real-time litany of congested area highways.

If you need more convincing, I present to you Exhibit B: An entire podcast, produced by WAMU, solely devoted to the chaotic commuting nightmare that is the Washington Metro system. It’s aptly named “Metropocalypse,” and it’s harrowing.

Or just compare it to other cities. Last year, the Urban Mobility Institute named the city the nation’s most congested.

So what should you do to get around the gridlock?

A bike. Just get on a bike.

“If you’re moving here and I know you, I’d definitely tell you to bring your bike,” says Natalia Rodriguez-Santos, who lives in Shaw and calls her bike her primary means of transportation. “It’s the easiest way to get around.”

It appears many Washingtonians agree with this sentiment. The number of residents who get around by bicycle has gradually inched up over the years, while the annual number of bicycle trips we’re taking around here has skyrocketed since 2000. Today, 4% of DC commuters do so by bike. Sounds like a little, but by headcount, that’s a lot.

And that growing constituency is among the reasons the city government has built out its bike infrastructure.

In fact, we’re in the midst of an expansion of the existing network right now.

In 2000, there were less than three miles of bike lanes in the District. Today, DC maintains 69 miles of them. And more are coming.

“Fifty-five to 59 percent of DC residents get around the city not in a car, which is pretty high, and the city has a goal to get that to 75 percent,” says Greg Billing, executive director of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA).

Billing is referring to the city’s MoveDC program, which aims to get more of us out of our cars and onto buses, sidewalks, and bikes -- and by doing so, easing the gridlock. There are plans for pedestrians, and you can find them here. But the designs for the biking community are substantial.

The city’s master plan calls for a total 136 miles of bike lanes by sometime around 2040. We’ll all be old and grey by then, but still, it’s all about the kids.

“There’s a vision for a fully comprehensive network that connects neighborhoods to each other and neighborhoods to downtown,” says Billing. He calls the MoveDC goals ambitious -- and says the city’s a bit behind schedule -- but ultimately worth it for easing congestion. Bike lanes, after all, attract bikers. The cycle tracks that have popped up on 15th, M, and L streets in Northwest prove, “If you build it, people will ride.”




Gadget turns bicycle transit upside-down

Gadget turns bicycle transit upside-down
If you own more than one type of bicycle, then you may have noticed that a single car-top-mounting system doesn't necessarily work for all of them – or at least, not without a bit of doing. Going between a road bike, mountain bike and fatbike, for instance, can require the use of adapters for different tire widths, axle types or frame designs. Then, there's also the fact that not all systems are compatible with all roof-top racks. That's why Australian cyclists Stefan Wrobel and Sean Stoney invented the Upside Rack.

The Upside can reportedly be attached to almost any type of bike, allowing it to be mounted upside-down on any rack. Here's how it works …

With their bike right-side-up and on the ground, users start by hooking a rubber strap on the rear end of the Upside Rack around the saddle. They then fold the Y-shaped device's anodized aluminum arms forward and clamp them to the handlebars. When the bike and rack are turned upside-down and placed on a roof rack, the tops of the handlebar clamps hook onto the front cross-rail. A hook in the back, meanwhile, is slid forward until it engages the rear rail, and is then tightened down and locked into place.

The whole process is said to take about 20 seconds, and is demonstrated in the video at the bottom of the page.

Users can mount the device on the car's rack facing forwards or backwards, so two or more Upside-equipped bikes can be placed on one vehicle sitting in alternating directions. Additionally, Wrobel tells us that the product has passed a series of crash tests, meaning that it won't go flying off if the car is in a collision.



Aurora honored for its work to encourage bike riding

Aurora honored for its work to encourage bike riding
The League of American Bicyclists has recognized Aurora for its efforts to become friendlier to bicyclists.

The organization awarded the city the Bicycle-Friendly Community Bronze designation, a rare award for a community to get, especially on its first try, said Eric Gallt, the city's traffic engineer.

"There are only 11 in the state," Gallt told members of the Aurora City Council Finance Committee Tuesday. A city news release said since 2002, there are only 480 Bicycle Friendly Communities across the country, out of 870 applications for the designation.

Aurora was honored for major leaps in cycling infrastructure, and efforts in planning and improving feedback from the cycling community. The League of American Bicyclists recognized Aurora's recently opened dedicated bike lane in downtown that connects a gap in the Fox River Trail along River Street, as well as the city's dedication to implementing its bike plan and its newly formed Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

That committee just had its first meeting last week.

In addition, Aurora has brought a bike rental service to three sites in downtown Aurora and expanded designated bike lanes throughout town, improving safety and connecting trails to guide cyclists from trails on the city's East Side to downtown.

"We are very pleased at the recognition afforded to the city of Aurora for our ongoing efforts in developing a bike-friendly community," said Mayor Robert J. O'Connor. "As our city looks to the future, we will continue research, propose and implement new ways to build our cycling infrastructure, which in turn, bring great returns in the health and the quality of life for our residents."



Why customers trust Pioneer Vehicle? - Professional

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Why customers trust Pioneer Vehicle? - Professional

We have professional equipment for bike rack production, such as cutting machine, CNC punching machine, sheet metal machine, pipe bending machine, welding machines, etc.
Why customers trust Pioneer Vehicle? - Professional

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2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack

2016 Most Durable Bike Display Stand Bike Hoop Rack (ISO Approved)——china bike rack